baby cayden

baby cayden

Friday, February 4, 2011

I don;t have a lot of pictures of me and cayden sadly:( im not sure why really, so i'm going to take a bunch ASAP but to hold you off here is a couple i could find...

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

these are the pictures i just took today

this was his ride home from the hosital

this is his pooping face

He discovered his toys:)

His first hokey game. He was actually awake for most of it, but then got hungry and fell asleep during the loudest part.

Cayden loves his tummy time

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this was his daddy's hat

What a stud

Like father like son

His first bathrobe

this is for my momma dear old dad.

Ok i just downloaded all the pictures from my phone to my computer, so I have a lot, I mean a lot of picutes to post. they won't be in any order. some are old and some are brand new...I hope you two enjoy:)